Miami Heat: Why LeBron James Is Robin and Dwyane Wade Is Batman

To be totally honest, when I watched "The Decision" (albeit, a bit annoyed by how disrespectful LeBron was to his hometown) I was expecting LeBron to either stay in Cleveland or steal Derrick Rose's thunder in Chicago.
Oh, how wrong I was.
For some reason, LeBron must of deflated his ego, or forgotten the fact that the city of Miami loves Mr. Wade. If he needed any indication of South Florida's love of this man, he look no further than the formerly named Miami-Wade County.
They changed the name of a county as a hope to keep Wade on South Beach, and to show No. 3 the love he deserves.
LeBron's decision shocked me. But it showed me how dedicated he is to winning. I mean, the whole pay cut wasn't that much of a big deal; his off-the-court endorsements will more than cover that.
More the fact that he decided he wanted to join Dwyane Wade, in Dwyane Wade's city. Sure, you'll have the bandwagoners who jump all over him and pretty much forget about Wade. But any true Miami fan knows that Wade is the man.
Think back to '06. The first home game for Miami in the Finals series, where Dwyane Wade literally carried the team on his back in that incredible fourth quarter.
The turning point of the series, which swung everything back into the Heat's favour.
That is why Miami is Wade's team, and until he leaves, no one will have that honour.
No addition of players will ever take away the feelings of joy and pride we Heat fans experienced when Wade led our team to the promised land, in statistically one of the greatest Finals series performances of all time.
And when things turned ugly, Wade remained. He said consistently Miami is where he wanted to be.
He plays his heart out every night he laces up. For the past two seasons, he has made the Heat competitive on a nightly basis, leading a poor quality roster to the fifth seed twice.
LeBron will be shown love by Heat fans everywhere. Heck, even I have taken a warming to the guy. But it is crucial that Heat fans show Wade more love.
Because, to any true Miami fan, it is, and always will be Dwyane Wade's House.
Labels: Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, Robin
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